Sunday, October 10, 2010

oct 10 2010 2.26 am

Awak, cintamu selalu kudambakan,

rindumu selalu kutagihkan,
dirimu selalu kuinginkan,
ouh akutak mampu berjauhan dgn dirimu syg,
kemana kau hilang cintaku?
kau menghilang tiba2 syg,
haty ku risau dan gundah gulana,
memikirkan apa yg terjadi padamu cinta,
tanpa1mu tak bermakna lah hari2 ku syg,
percayalah cintaku hanya utk mu,
hanya utk mu seorang,
akan ku buktikan satu per satu, tp kemana kau pergi shamira?
saya risau pasal awak, mana awak?

oct 8 2010 6.55 am

malam kini menjelma,

meninggalkan siang berselih ganti,
tp malam tidak keseorangan kerna ditemani bintang2 bersinar,
pasty malam senang haty,
ouh alangkah indah jika aku bersama kau sang puteri,
aku umpama arjuna yg menghambakan diri tika kau sedih dan gembira,
aku tak sanggup melihat kau menangis,
lihat kau sedih dan berduka lara,
percayalah cinta dan kasihku hanya padamu,
rinduku padamu makin menebal,
tah aku tak ngerti apa terjadi
percayalah diriku hanya unuk kamu,
usah kau kenang kisah lama yg cuma hanya bisa sakitkan haty mu,
cintaku hanya untukmu,puteri,
outeri yg diberi nama shamira,
sy syg awak,
selamat malam.

oct 6 2010 5.38 am

Maaf jika ku tidak sempurna,

tika bahagia mula menjelma,
bila keyakinan dtg merasa,
kasih disalut dgn kejujuran,
mencintai dirimu,
merindui dirimu,
memilikimu hingga akhir hayat bersama kamu,
kau yg bernama cinta,
kau yg memberi rasa,
kau yg ilhamkan bahagia,
hingga aku rasa indah,
thanks shamira akmar.

oct 2 2010. 2.25 am

Patik sanggup,

menghambakan kesetiaan jika itu yang tuan puteri mahukan,
patik rela buktikan yg patik yg terbaik utk tuan puteri,
biar punama dan gerhana bulan berganti,
patik tetap disini.

1 oct 2010 6.11 am

Selamat malam bulan, terangilah malam agar xlagi suram,

selamat malam bintang temanilah malam ini agar haty menjadi tenang,
selamat malam sayang,
tidurlah yg nyenyak dan mimpikanlah aku datang,
hadir dlm surga mimpimu, dan temanimu sampai pagi menjelang,
aku syg kamu, selamat malam.

sep 26 2010, 7.23 pm

tidurlah wahai permaisuri,

jika kau tidur lena mimpikan bahagia di taman syurga kau dan aku,
ku berjanji, kau lah permaisuri,
bersumpahlah kau dihatimu bahawa ki kekasihmu,
permaisuri tidur lah,
selamat malam.

10 10 2010.. 10.10pm

Sketsa hidup

ini shamira kan? awak ni ...... la,
dah lama tak bertemu,
masih banyak yang tak berubah pada saya,
yang paling penting,
cinta saya masih pd awak,
saya masih ingat lagi bayangan senyuman awak yang sgt menawan,
lenggokkan percakapan awak yg sgt teratur,
bau2an awak yang ouhh sgt wangi serta
lirik mata awak.........


Monday, October 4, 2010

sept 24,2010. 11.39 am

kau ibarat permata didalam hatiku,

yang tak mampu disentuh walau hanya dipandang,
akan ku jaganya kerna tak bisa lihat ia jatuh kedakapan yg lain,
tidurlah sygku kerna hati esok bakal menjelma,
sang mentari takkan menunggu aku begitu juga kamu,
takkan ku biarkan kau berlari jauh,
kerna pasty kan ku kejar mu dan menunggu mu,
hiasi mimpi mu dengan 7 warna pelangi,
kerna salah satu warnanya mungkin itu aku,
selamat malam .

Sept 19 2010, 11.33 pm

Satu hari ku menunggu lamanya sangat terasa,

kau diam seribu bahasa bagaikan air hujan rintis dr langit biru,
tanpa sebarang bunyi pu kedengaran,
begitu juga aku terus menghembus nafas dlm keadaan rasa bersalah dan sendirian ku buatkan kau marah,
ku biarkan emosi mengatasi aku,
kini ku sedar apa ku lakukan salah dr mulanya,
aku sepi, tanpa kehadiran mu ku rasa kosong,
dr lubuk haty kecil ku ini,
ku memohon padamu agarkau kembali tersenyum dan maafkan aku,
dr superhero yg patah sayapnya=(

Thursday, September 23, 2010

sep 16,2010 2.45 am

Selamat malam bulan,
seamat malam bintang,
di antara berjuta bintang di langit akan ku capai dan gengam bintang yang satu,
dan kepada angin malam,
tlg sampaikan lagu rindu,
dan ucapan selamat mlm ini kepada si dia yang enak dibuai mimpy,
izinkan aku mengisi ruang rindu ini didalam sanubarimu,
kerna setiap helah nafas ku tersebut namamu,
maaf jika ini mengganggu irama tidurmu,
selamat malam cinderlla
dr superheromu

sep 13, 2010 11.08 am

Di dalam kesesakkan malam,
nafasku terhenti seketika,
terbayang wajahmu ibarat sang pelukis yang mengukir raut wajahmu yang indah di dasar haty,
ibarat si perantau yg belajar belayar seorang diri dan cuba mengenal apa itu erti rindu,
kelihatan rintisan air mata menitis deras,
begitu juga kasih dan rinduku padamu,
selamat malam

sep 7 ,2010 4.25 am

selamat tinggal bintang,
tiada kerlipan mu lg dialam ini,
ingin ku lepaskan semua rasa gundah dibenak hati,
bagaikan tiupan angin yang membius,
ouh angin tlg sampaikan salamku pada si dia,
tidak ku gentar langit biru bertukarhitam,
begitu juga aku yang akan terus mengejar bayang2mu,
biar ditolak atau ditepis, akan ku pejalkan hati aku ini agar terus bertahan,
biarkan saja aku mencintaimu,
biarkan saja diriku serasa bodoh,
biarkan saja diriku serasa hodoh,
biarkan saja aku rasa sakit derita,
sudah tiada apa yang ingin ku katakan padamu,
cuma ingin ungkapkan kata2 haty sebelum kau menyelimuti dirimu dgn selimut dan terus lena dibuai mimpi indah,
anggar saja kehadiranku adamu umpama mimpi kerna bila kau terjaga maka terhapus lah aku dan hanya tinggal kenangan antara kau dan aku,
puisi ini hanyalah kiasan diriku,
kerana melalui senii aku dpt persembahkan warna hatyku.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Now Itrs WORLd CUp fEVER..!!
aRgGhh aFtER PoRTugaL ReTreaT I waS hOpINg for ArGENTiNA tO BrInG The CUp hOme. bUT It dOES nOt seem LiKE So. gERmaNY Are KiCKiNg tHEIr ass LiKE nOW!!!!


Hye bloG, sO LoNg SiNCE mY LAsT PosT. nWaYS, tOdaY IS tHE 3Rd oF JuLy,
So i WoKE uP eARLy Coz i haD tO GET REaDy. IT wAs Our SmaLL GHAtHERIng wiTH My baNdMATEs FROm HGH sCHooL. iTS BEEN lIke 2 YEarS sINCE i laST sAW tHEM. i Was Soo tHirrlied. we LiKE basicallY Grew Up TOgETHEr, FROm kIds To teenAgERS aND nOW aDUlTS. So Only 6 Of uS cOuLD maKE iT As THE oThers Are STayInG OuTsIDE kl anD SOme HAve EVEN sTARted CLAses. sO It WaS jUST me, tenUk, Cheqot, QaT , LIna And iLi. weee. AlTho we HAd LiKE a ShORT TiME tOgHer Bt we HAs Fun. esPeciaLy CHeQoT! haHAH, sHES a JoKER. EVEN tHo sHE eNGAged Now She STiLl is oNE. nOt foRgEtInG That mY DEaREST FREN, baHIraH, She wAs oNE of My CLoSEST FRen iN ssp. ShE goT MArrIENd LiKE a mOnth A gO! im rEAllY3 haPPy FOR her. She woUld HAve SOmetoNE tO tAke CARe OF her. sO back to tODAY, we WENT To C a MoVie, CaLLed KnIghT aND dAY By tOm CRuSE aND caMERON diaZ. Tom wAs A HottY!! That iS a FAct, aND caMERON, WELL she LooKED oLD. hahaHA. BEFORE tHAt we went TO eAt at tHis LAksa ShOp. i haS aSaM laKSA.. AftER The MOvIE WE chIt CHAT And SoME oF US HAd To leaVE, NO WORRIES coZ we r GoNNA mEET tOmOrow. iTs The ORCHestra fiNAle, In Picc PuTraJAYA. And My SchOOl aRE iN. so tHATs All FOR tOdaY.
END OF Story, Im haPPy tODaY!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

keep moving forward!

PIck tHAt TiTtLE ouT FrOm A caRTooN 'MEET The RObiNSoN'.

So LiFE HAs iTS Own COUrsE, wE maY nOE wHICh sIgNS tO FOllOW Or wHich paTh tO GO, bUT what if the ROAds u ChOose iS a DeaD END? oR even a WHIte WAll wHicH JusT StarES U BAcK.? iV Been tRU ThOse BuMbPy rOAds aND DEaD EndS. And WHAt maTTers iS NoT To be UpSET Or fRusTraTED aBouT It but tO jUSt tUrN aRouND aND fInd AnOtHER waY, aND tHEN i ToT, HEY, iM oNly 20! There ARe EVEN MoRE deaD eNDS wHICH I MiGHt noT Noe, sO bEtTer cHeER Up. I leaRNED tHAt Try tO TAke ThGS easY, tHERE Are EVEN MoRE pRObs In tHE wORLD. And IF gREAt LEAders can oVerCoME thaT, wHY CANt i oVERCOme Such A small bUmp?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

yOu Are Like A RAiNbOW

raInBow: An ArcH OF cOlOurs vISibLE iN tHE sKy

yES, U aRE Like A RAiNbOW,


nOmAtter WhICH sIDE u SHow TO ME, U Are bEuTIfuL.

RAiNbOws coMES aFter The RAin.

its LIKE aFter tHE cLoUDs Are CRYiNg,

U AppEAr tO Cheer tHiNGS Up.

U GAve ME hOpe When i AM dOWn.

u giVE me LiGHt And directIOn WHen I am lOSt.

U GiVE me HAppIness aND maKE me SmiLE,

ThaNK You raInBow For BEInG LoYAl,

For Where EVER I MAy be In tHE wORLd,

I Noe My raInBow WIll be With mE =)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

U Are A PArasite!

PaRASiTE: aN OrGAnISm whIcH LiVES In oR On ANoThER oRgaNisM aND benefIts bY DERIvIG NuTrIENts At tHE oTher EXpeNSE.

yUp, ThaT is whAt u Are.. U Are LiKE A sLEEPiNg paRTner , aS My fREn oNce SaID, I DOnT Noe WhaT IS iN uR HEaD. oR U JusT dOnT HAve ANy BRAiNS. u haNg oN OtHer ppL And ReGArd tHe WoRk As yOuRs. u maY seem nIce AnD bUbbLy buT actUAllY Ur A DEvIl iN DiSgUisH. i haD enUf oF Ur EXCUses aND BlUrNess. HelOO?? Ur lIke Wt? 21 yEARS oLD nOW. doNt be Too naIve. WaKE uP aND uSE ur bRAiN aND InItIAtIve And HELp ppL dO wORK, nOt taLk wiTh ur bIG MoUTh And The WORK GETs nOwHERE! FyI. Im NoT The oNlY oNE WHo tHiNks THAt u taLk mOre ThaN u dO..


Saturday, March 13, 2010

i aM a rEd Rose

it struck me one night. that night while i lay in bed. i think about the past, the things which had happened.and i sigh. well, i dun really noe how to start and im not really an expressive type of person but hopefully, this would make ppl hafe a clue.

Why it is called 'i am a red rose' ?.. because that is who i am. i smell nice, i look almost perfect and i am envied by other flowers.roses are liked by people but not loved.because how much you like a rose, u wont be too close because u are scared that u might get a cut from its sharp torns. bees (they) will come to me when i bloom. they will be nice and very generous. some bees come to me once in a while when they are really desperate. some bees are really loyal who stick by me almost everyday. but as nature has it, i don't bloom 4evr. roses have its expiration date, just like choclates.when the storm comes and the hard winds blow, the red rose will lose its perfectness. the red rose will no longer look nice and smell sweet. and at that MOMENT. all the bees will go away finding another rose. some bees do come back once in a while, to suck up the nectar which is left. in the end, the red rose falls from its stem and lays on the ground. no one to even bother to pick it up.poor rose. u only haf urself.

I am just like that rose, ull like the rose but u wont love it. how much the rose tries to get close ,u will run away. ull prefer the sunflower.. ohh gosh why woulnt u. it smells nice and its yellow.its shows that u are cheerful, unlike the red rose which looks serious all the time. i dun like being called 'muke ketat'. i dun like it at all. i dun like it being called 'muke garang'.i dun like it at all. but has anyone ever asked? how i feel? NO!.. BEcause its either they dun care or they not bothered to ask.. and why is that? like i said. ur afraid of getting too close to me because u might get hurt (rose). i think its just a sin to not accept the way GOD has created us. GOd made me this way, and ur taliking about it and making fun of it is just the same as mocking GOD'S creation. I just don't get it.

I try to adapt wif my surroundings, sumtimes i feel that i am faking it. Its not hu i am sumtimes but i haf to do it. and still that is not enuf.. i dun noe wt type of characteristic u need to be eligible to become ur 'bestfren' hurts when u try to be there for that person but thats not wt u get in return. im tired of it. i keep talking in my head and it will make me insane. so finally i decided to write it down here. im soo frustrated!i dun have what u want. ergh. i noe u talk behind my back. i noe im not ur first choice for a fren. u din't haf the chance to get to noe me but u judged me in so many ways. sigh.

all i want is to be appreciated and loved.